What did you think of yesterday's post? :) Like it?
Well, today I thought I'd post up some of my favourite Music Videos - Ninjago ones, that is. I don't get to share this kind of stuff with my friends IRL because most of them hate Ninjago, so yeah...
First up is by +CuteBlueCherri! It's called "Wu/Garmadon/Lloyd - ♪Breaking the Habit". It's a 3 minute video based around Lloyd, Sensei Wu and Garmadon, and the song is by Linkin Park.
Second up is by +j4bether. It's "Ninjago Call Me Maybe", and is about Jay and Nya. I love how it starts off, with Sensei, Nya and Jay all saying one word each. Brilliant!
Third is also by CuteBlueCherri, and it's called "Ninjago -♪ Not Alone". The song is by Red. The video is kinda sad, and it really gets into the feels - or so I find (I cried for the first 30 times I watched it...).
Fourth is by +Jynxi Jaymes and it's "Ninjago-You're Gonna Go Far Kid". Love both the song and the video. x3
Fifth is by +TheFoldMusic, who are my favourite band!! It's called "LEGO NINJAGO Enter the Tourament", and heck, I'm in love with this song. x3 Just so you know, The Fold do some of the Music for Ninjago, so Enter the Tournament is an official Ninjago Song.
Six is The Fold's song "Ninja Roll". Just plain Awesome.
And last, and certainly not least, another Ninjago song by The Fold: LEGO NINJAGO Tournament Whip! The Weekend Whip has now been redone several times, and the latest version of it - this one - is totally awesome!! Specially love the way Skylor fights her battle in it.
Well, gotta run, school starts soon and I haven't had breakfast. :P
Catch y'all later!
Spinj xo