Sunday 27 September 2015

Moving to Wordpress!

Hallo guys!

 Yup, I'm back! But this is going to be my last "Blogger" post on here... because I'm moving over to Wordpress now!
 I'm wanting to have a more "professional" looking blog, which is why I've moved over to there. So, if you want to check it out, here's the link:
 Let me know what you think of how it looks!

 Also, I now have a new Youtube Channel, which is where I'll be posting all of my videos. It's also connected to a G+ page, if you want to follow that. :)

Spinj The Ninja | Youtube

Well, I have to go, I'm making a list of things to do, plus I might be going out soon.

 Love y'all, and I'll see you next time on Wordpress,
Spinj xoxo

Sunday 20 September 2015


Hey guys!

 And so here comes my second post for the day! :3

 Now, everyone who uses Youtube has their own favourite Youtuber. I had three: Cute Girl's Hairstyles, Brooklyn and Bailey, and, of course, TheFoldMusic (My favourite band!).
 "But," you all cry. "You said you had three. That means that you either have another or you don't like one of them anymore!"
 So you noticed! Aren't you sharp eyed?
 My newest favourite Youtuber is the well known TheBajanCanadian! I found his channel a few weeks ago, trying to find some new music to listen to. It was completely accidental - I came across a song titled "Bajan Canadian Song". So I listened to it, thought that it was one of the best songs EVER, and I soon found myself listening to more of his songs!

So he's a YouTuber who mainly does Minecraft related videos, although he does post up funny challenges and other stuff he's done. He does a lot of his videos with his friend JeromeASF, who is also pretty funny! :D
 Bajan's real name is Mitch Hughes. He's born on 3rd March 1994, and is from Canada.

 I did a drawing of him the other day:

 It took me a while to draw, about three days. His jacket was definitely the hardest part of it to draw, mainly because of all the squares and having to make sure I coloured each one with the right colour. :P
 Still not sure whether or not I should add a background to it though. Any thoughts?
  If you want to share the picture, please remember to give me credit. ;)

 And I thought that I'd add one of his songs. Since it's about Mitch, I reckon I'll link the one that he himself sings (not to mention that it's my 1# favourite song at the moment... :P) :
Remember Our Love (Endstone)

 It's definitely the most touching song that he's done (from the one's I've heard). I actually had tears in my eyes by the time the song reached the end... ;~; That said though, it was worth listening to, and I definitely think you should. If you don't listen to at least the first few seconds of it, we can't be friends. :P

 Well, I have to run, it's late and I have to be getting ready for dinner/going to bed.

 In Benja We Trust!

Weird Week

Hello everyone! :D

 I figured that it was time for an update! It's been about two weeks or something since I last posted, so yes, it's definitely time!

 This week has been, like, the weirdest one ever. You know how there's those 'normal' weeks, the 'strange' weeks, and then the 'plain out weird' weeks? Well, this week definitely classifies as 'plain out weird'.

 It started fully out on Monday. My brothers and I were doing school work, and Mum's got music on somewhere in the house, and then we realise that there was someone knocking at the door. So Mum answers it, and it's one of the neighbours, who then goes on to tell us that someone entered the apartment block and stole one of out bikes.
 About ten minutes later after looking at the car space, Mum came up, and I decided to head out and see if I could find the person/the bike. I thought I might find them near by, because they stole the bike that had two completely flat tires, and was kinda small.
 Of course, I didn't find it. I spent half an hour walking around, attempting to see if I could find the bike, but whoever had stolen it must've gotten the hell out of the area. But I went to my friend's cafe that was near by and asked if they had seen the bike, because I lot of people stop by there.
 They hadn't, but they gave me an old bike of theirs that had been sitting in the cafe for ages. one of the tires was completely dead, and the chain needed fixing, so I wheeled it home and presented it to my brother. (We're fixing it up at the moment!)

And that was the start to what would prove to be my weirdest week in a long time.

 The next day I went to the Ballet to see Coppelia, which is now my all time favourite! It was very touching, and very sad at the same time. I got to meet some of the dancers and get my programmed signed, which was really cool!
 And then the weird thing. :P
 So normally the homeschoolers who go to the ballet are very well behaved. No talking, no running around, jumping on seats, nothing.
 This time, however, was very different. There was a family in front of us, who's daughter kept using her phone even when the intermissions were over and the next part of the performance had started. She was very annoying, and I had to stop myself from kicking her seat.
 Then there were some girls who kept talking loudly about how people were dressed and how strange some people looked. They were awful.

The next day my brother and I went out busking. So normally busking is a bit strange from time to time, but it's expected.
 Anyway, so someone, once I had finished my first round, came up with a bag of food, gave it to me, said that I sounded lovely, then walked off. After that I had this other group of people come up and start overly questioning me on the music I was singing.
 I also had this lady attempt to sell me perfume by spraying it on me as I walked past. That was pretty strange. And any way, there was no way she was going to sell me any of that, I hate perfume.

 And those were probably the weirdest of the things that happened this week.

I'm also applying for Uni at the moment, which is kinda scary. I still have to get some references and write up my C.V. I still think having to give them my C.V is kinda strange, because I can't see why they'd need it, but oh well.

 I've also been invited to do some stiltwalking at various festivals and such around the city, and my first one is in late October. They'll be some of my first 'proper' Circus gigs, which I'm pretty excited about! Not to mention I'm finally getting my own pair of stilts at the end of next week, so I'm super duper hyped for that! I'll definitely have to get some photos and videos of them for you guys.

 Well, I have to go, got another post to write up for you guys. :3

Love y'all!
Spinj xox

Monday 7 September 2015

Fathers Day + More...

Good evening everyone!

 How are you all? I'm feeling pretty well, I just finished school and I'm up to date with my Uni Prep, so feeling rather accomplished at the moment! I'm also feeling kinda proud of my re-edition of the super cute Bubble Ponytails with Beanie by Cute Girls Hairstyles.

 Fathers Day was pretty fun! We went to my friend's house for brunch, which was cool. We had tortia, chipolatas, carrot cake, sticky buns, and a whole ton of other really yummy food. I also got to watch Episode 2 from the first Sherlock Holmes TV series (The Blind Banker), which was so cool! It was my first ever Sherlock to watch, and I really want to watch more of it! We left the house with some leftover food, a bike seat (for my dad's bike) and a gift for Dad.
 After that we went busking. I was pretty sleepy for some reason, so I went home, but I stopped off and bought one of the new minifigure bags from series 14. I got the Spider Lady, who is my favourite.
 We didn't really have a proper dinner because everyone had stuffed themselves at brunch, so we all sat around. I finally managed to finish 20 Thousand Leagues Under The Seas - I read 26 chapters in one day to finish it!
 After my brothers went to sleep my parents and I watched Gattaca, which we had borrowed from the library. It was such a good movie, and I liked the futuristic feel about it! I felt sorry for (*SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND WISH TO*) real Jerome, especially at the end of the movie. Vincent was also a pretty cool character in it, he's a good example of how wrong some things can be.
 The scarey thing is that I can see society going that way in the future if we give it the chance!

 And that was our Fathers Day!

 Also, my friend Leilani and I made another mini-movie. She called it the Spooky Walk, and I still think that she could've came up with a better name, but oh well. This is our Halloween video, since she will probably be in India when Halloween actually comes around.

Also, I might be getting MineCraft at the end of the year! Depending on what happens with my school stuff - eg, how organized I am with my planning with school and all that - I might be able to buy it for PC. So I was thinking that maybe, once I'm into the flow of it and all that, I might make some video tutorials on how to use it. I'll only be allowed to play it during School holidays, but they happen often enough that I should be able to make a few videos between terms.
 So I'll keep you guys updated on that, and we'll see what happens!

 Anyway, I should probably get off now, and write some more of Guardian Angel and figure out who should be my accompanist for my WAAPA  audition.
 Stay well, and I'll see you all soon!

Spinj xoxo