Monday 7 September 2015

Fathers Day + More...

Good evening everyone!

 How are you all? I'm feeling pretty well, I just finished school and I'm up to date with my Uni Prep, so feeling rather accomplished at the moment! I'm also feeling kinda proud of my re-edition of the super cute Bubble Ponytails with Beanie by Cute Girls Hairstyles.

 Fathers Day was pretty fun! We went to my friend's house for brunch, which was cool. We had tortia, chipolatas, carrot cake, sticky buns, and a whole ton of other really yummy food. I also got to watch Episode 2 from the first Sherlock Holmes TV series (The Blind Banker), which was so cool! It was my first ever Sherlock to watch, and I really want to watch more of it! We left the house with some leftover food, a bike seat (for my dad's bike) and a gift for Dad.
 After that we went busking. I was pretty sleepy for some reason, so I went home, but I stopped off and bought one of the new minifigure bags from series 14. I got the Spider Lady, who is my favourite.
 We didn't really have a proper dinner because everyone had stuffed themselves at brunch, so we all sat around. I finally managed to finish 20 Thousand Leagues Under The Seas - I read 26 chapters in one day to finish it!
 After my brothers went to sleep my parents and I watched Gattaca, which we had borrowed from the library. It was such a good movie, and I liked the futuristic feel about it! I felt sorry for (*SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND WISH TO*) real Jerome, especially at the end of the movie. Vincent was also a pretty cool character in it, he's a good example of how wrong some things can be.
 The scarey thing is that I can see society going that way in the future if we give it the chance!

 And that was our Fathers Day!

 Also, my friend Leilani and I made another mini-movie. She called it the Spooky Walk, and I still think that she could've came up with a better name, but oh well. This is our Halloween video, since she will probably be in India when Halloween actually comes around.

Also, I might be getting MineCraft at the end of the year! Depending on what happens with my school stuff - eg, how organized I am with my planning with school and all that - I might be able to buy it for PC. So I was thinking that maybe, once I'm into the flow of it and all that, I might make some video tutorials on how to use it. I'll only be allowed to play it during School holidays, but they happen often enough that I should be able to make a few videos between terms.
 So I'll keep you guys updated on that, and we'll see what happens!

 Anyway, I should probably get off now, and write some more of Guardian Angel and figure out who should be my accompanist for my WAAPA  audition.
 Stay well, and I'll see you all soon!

Spinj xoxo

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