Monday 27 July 2015

Why I want to do Performing

Ok, I really need to get this off my chest, so I'll do it here.

 The most common things people say to me when I tell them that I want to be a Singer/Actor/Performer is either "You must be talented" or "Are you doing that because they're well paid?".
 To the first one, I normally say "I suppose so" or something along those lines, because I have no idea if I'm actually as talented as I'd like to think I am. That said, if I was that talented, I'd probably be semi famous right now. So probably not.
 To the second, no, I'm not doing it for the money. In fact, I always thought that being a performer would be one of the worst paid jobs.

 I wanted to be a performer in late 2010. I had finished performing in Hansel and Gretel, and I had loved rehearsing, going to Wardrobe for costume fittings, and then performing on stage for the audience. It was a rewarding experience. I learnt new skills, and I gave pleasure to the people watching, as I had helped bring the Opera to life along with my twenty or so friends in the Children's chorus. And when the Opera was over I decided I wanted to be a performer.

  Many people assume that the reason I'm doing it is because I like the attention. And I do like the attention. But the actual reason is because I enjoy bringing the Character/Story to life. There is nothing like reading a book, loving a character/characters and the plot and what not, and then seeing it become a great Movie, or a Musical. It is so thrilling.
 Also, you have to think about how to actually bring the character to life. Find out as much as you can about them. Wonder how you can copy that without making it look like you're acting but also without looking like you're just say lines.
 I like a challenge. If I didn't think that I was going to be challenged that much, then I probably would've just stayed with my original idea of being an author.

So no, I'm not doing for the money. I'm doing it because I enjoy bringing characters and stories to life.

Thursday 23 July 2015

From Sunday to Thursday

Morning everyone! :D How are you all this fine day? :3

First of all, I won't be writing down everything that happened, just want to tell you guys a few things that have happened/are happening. :3

 So on Sunday I went to the WA museum to look at the Remember Me: The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt exhibition. I didn't really want to go, but I went (I was glad about going in the end though).
 There were lots of old photos, all mainly of Australians, of before they went back to fighting. The photos were all from the "Lost Collection", and one could tell if a photo was from the collection because of the backdrop used in the photo.
 The photos were fascinating, but it was rather sad to look at them and realize that many of the people in the photos would die in battle and never come home. There were quotes from letters and diaries around too, my favourite of which was this one:

It's so sad... :'(

They also had a replica of the original backdrop, and I got to have a photo against it.  I had the choice of dressing as a nurse or a soldier, and being me, I went with the soldier. xD My dad even took the photo in sepia, so the photo looks slightly old fashioned!

 Yesterday I had my first Musicianship lesson for the year, and it was pretty good. The class was smaller than it used to be before I left, but it was the first day of term, so maybe not everyone had turned up. We did rhythms, and had to tap one rhythm on the floor with one had and the other with the other hand. It got pretty confusing pretty quickly!
 Before I went to my class though I went to the library to borrow some stuff (mainly books for school, but also the Kane Chronicles) and ended up with a free notebook, bubbles, and found out how the loaning system used to be. It was pretty complicated.
 So you filled in a form, and would be given four "tickets" - two green (for fiction books, I think) and two yellow (for non-fiction). And... I remember the rest, but I don't know how to explain it... and I call myself a writer XD

 And on Monday I sent in an application for a role in a movie called "Breath", which is going to be directed by Simon Baker, and it's based off the book written by Tim Winton. I haven't heard back yet, but hopefully I'll be shortlisted for an audition. I'll keep you all updated! Who knows, maybe Spinj will become a movie star! :P
 The funny thing is that I'm not interested in the fame side that much. I'm actually more excited about the experience that the would provide. I've been on set for a film for about four hours before, but I could be on site for the movie for a few months, depending on how main the role is. Also I'll make some new friends! I could do with some friends who have the same interests as me.

 I should probably go, as I have another 1,000+ words to write for Guardian Angel (for Camp Nanowrimo). I'm also planning on getting it published, so that I'll have a bit of an income when I'm at Uni.  Here's an excerpt:

Like it? :3
 Also, we have some friends coming over to our house soon, so I'd better go. XD Be good, stay safe, love you,
Spinj xoxo

Monday 13 July 2015

Music Monday Again

Hello everyone! How are you since I saw you all yesterday? :P

 It's Music Monday. Again. Yeah, sure, I don't write that many Music Monday posts, but I only have so many favourites!! Plus I feel as if I have to do the whole Music Monday thing because I run a blog. Or maybe it's an excuse to go on the computer more. I really don't know any more xD
 But yeah, for me it goes: Music Monday, Tune Tuesday, Writing Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Flashback Friday, and the the Wonderful Weekend (well, the weekend one isn't really one, and MMon and TTues are practically the same thing, as are TTurs and FFri. But whatever. Who cares? :P).

Anyway, I'll give you two songs for today. First is... The Salley Gardens!
 It's an Irish song, arranged by Benjamin Britten for an orchestra. I only learnt it recently, and sung it yesterday at my audition. Unfortunately I couldn't find a recording of it that I liked on youtube, so no video for this one! D:

 Next is... aw, can't pick - The Last Goodbye, sung by Billy Boyd. It's a very sad, but sweet and wistful, song from the last of the three Hobbit movies. It's definitely a song that get's right into the feels...

 Well, those are my two songs for today! I hope you liked them, and I might be back again on Wednesday... with writing tips xD

 Stay well my friends!
 Spinj xoxo

Sunday 12 July 2015

Scrambled Eggs for Spinj

Hewwo! :3


Okay, well, that was random, though I do say so myself. I had no idea on a title for my post, so... meh :P Anyway, how are you guys? Feeling well?

 Thing's have been... interesting, to say the least, around here! In a good way, of course! :P

 I had an audition today for the next Gilbert and Sullivan production, which is "Trial by Jury". I got a few compliments from the channel, which I thought was neat, and I didn't mess up the song like I thought I was going to.
 I also found out that there is another show of Pirates of Penzance which will be showing sometime in November-December this year, and I found the auditions for it! So I'll be auditioning for that as well... maybe I'll be lucky enough to get offered a principle role!

 The Winter Holidays have been pretty fun so far, and It's a pity that there's only one more week of them left! They've been pretty eventful though. I went to a pottery wheel class and made some bowls, which I'll be picking up in a few weeks time after they've been fired. We also did some painting at the Art Gallery, went ice skating (the ice skating was epic, because we got to go on TV!) and plus I've been catching up with friends. Also got rained on a lot (because I stupidly left any water proof clothing at home) and joined in with a Free Rights Marriage Equality rally. And I got rained on a lot at that too.

 I introduced one of my friends to the Skulduggery Pleasant series, and she's now decided that we should make a fan movie. xD The original plan was to make a movie about how Skul's wife and child were murdered and how Skul turned into a skeleton, but now we're wondering whether or not to do something with Darquesse in it or something from the earlier books. Main problem would be doing special effects and all that... but we're working on it. :3

 Also, I found out that Derek Landy is (again) writing a script for a Skulduggery Pleasant movie! An actual movie! I'm really excited about this! I reckon it'll be awesome... :3 I'll definitely be at the cinema to watch it when it comes out!

 Speaking of Scrambled eggs, I think it's my turn to make my dinner - omelette!

 Will see you all next time!
 Spinj xoxo

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Little Bit Of Me Has Died Again...

Just finished reading "The Dying of The Light" yesterday. ;~; I literally sat staring at the book for five minutes after finishing it; I think I was in a bit of shock. xD

 It must showed on my face as well, because I was doing the dishes, and my Dad said to me that I had a look on my face like I was expecting to have the dishes jump up and attack me.

 I think a little bit of me has died after finishing off the series... now, I just need to wait for Demon Road to come out.

Monday 6 July 2015

Skulduggery Pleasant

Oh. My. Ninja.

 Have I really been away for a month?! One entire month?!

 Yeah, I have.


 Hii, so, like, I'm back! :D sorry about deserting you all, I've been busy with stuff. :( School was finishing off and I had to do extra martial arts lesson to catch up for the ones I missed during Pirates (actually, I'm still catching up. :|) and then there's been ice skating and more... yeah, I've been busy.
 Plus at the moment it's Camp Nanowrimo. :3 If you want to check out my progress every now and then, check out my profile: Spinjisumaster | Camp Nanowrimo

 Anyway, today, I'd like to write a post about one of my favourite things: Books. And it's about one of my favourite book series: Skulduggery Pleasant. c:

 So the Skulduggery Pleasant series is written by Derek Landy, an Irish writer who lives somewhere in Ireland - Dublin, I'm assuming. He's a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (ahh, OMG, he's a fan of something that I'm a fan of @_@ I suppose Insane Great minds think alike, eh?), Doctor Who and probably some other things. :P He's introduction on Blogger says he wrote the Skulduggery Pleasant series because getting a proper job is so overrated (WISE WORDS HUH?!). You can stalk him at his blog: Derek Landy Blogs Under Duress

 The Skulduggery Pleasant series is about Stephanie Edgley/Valykrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant - who is a Detective, Magician, Warrior. Oh yes, and dead. I'm not going to write much more about what happens in it in case you have not read the books (and if you haven't read the series, GET OFF THE COMPUTER, NOW, AND BORROW THEM FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT), but yeah...


 Favourite Good Guy(s): Skulduggery Pleasant, Valkyrie Cain
 Favourite Bad Guy(s): Darquesse, Vaurien Scapegrace
 Favourite Side Character(s): Clarabelle, Dexter Vex

So I've been rereading the series again, and every time I notice something new. It's like opening a many layered present that keeps rewrapping itself. The characters are really good, and after the first few chapters you already feel as if you know them, which is always something I love. Plus the humour in them <3 I am literally laughing every third chapter. :3
 The series is also making me rethink my entire life. Like, maybe I missed something somewhere, which is why I am not part of a Sanctuary yet? Or maybe my Mum is a Sensitive or something. Actually, that could make sense. Maybe that's how she finds my missing clothes and can tell when I'm lying. And it could explain all the ghosts I've seen and interacted with. Ok, I'm fairly sure I missed something a few years ago...

 Anyway, I have been brainwashed or possessed or obsessed or whatever the word is by the series, and my friends I are planning to make a Skulduggery Pleasant Cosplay group. :3 So far there's three of us in the group, and one of my friends wants to be China Sorrows, and I'm going to be Valkyrie Cain. I don't know who my other friend is going to be. He'd better not pick Fletcher Renn. That could end up with some awkward situations.
 Yeah, so, I've been looking up some people who have Cosplayed characters from the SP series, and I've came across some really good ones, but these two people are my favourites:

 A girl who has done an awesome cosplay of Skulduggery Pleasant! I take off my hat to you, it's a brilliant Cosplay.

 Above and Below is a girl Cosplaying as Valkyrie Cain. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THIS. IT IS BEYOND AMAZING. It's definitely the best I've seen out of the various Valkyries I've seen...

 And yeah. I went to the Op-shop today and bought some black jeans and a silver top. They're the start of my Valkyrie Cosplay outfit, and I'm feeling really pleased, it only cost me $12. Next I need to get some knee high boots and a leather jacket, and then I'll be hunting around for a black ring. :3 I'm really excited!!! Now all I need to do is to convince my brother to cosplay as Skul...

 Also coming across some pictures and fan art. :3 Here's some of my favourites:

 This one is especially awesome. I just love it so much!

 Not a word Bespoke, not a word...

The feelings in this one... ;~; *runs off crying*

 Anyway, I got to go, I'm catching up with some friends tomorrow, so I need to have a good sleep.

 Be good, don't go ending the world without me, and I'll catch you all later
Spinj XOXO

(P.S: wait, that's not enough? Fine then...