Sunday 27 September 2015

Moving to Wordpress!

Hallo guys!

 Yup, I'm back! But this is going to be my last "Blogger" post on here... because I'm moving over to Wordpress now!
 I'm wanting to have a more "professional" looking blog, which is why I've moved over to there. So, if you want to check it out, here's the link:
 Let me know what you think of how it looks!

 Also, I now have a new Youtube Channel, which is where I'll be posting all of my videos. It's also connected to a G+ page, if you want to follow that. :)

Spinj The Ninja | Youtube

Well, I have to go, I'm making a list of things to do, plus I might be going out soon.

 Love y'all, and I'll see you next time on Wordpress,
Spinj xoxo

Sunday 20 September 2015


Hey guys!

 And so here comes my second post for the day! :3

 Now, everyone who uses Youtube has their own favourite Youtuber. I had three: Cute Girl's Hairstyles, Brooklyn and Bailey, and, of course, TheFoldMusic (My favourite band!).
 "But," you all cry. "You said you had three. That means that you either have another or you don't like one of them anymore!"
 So you noticed! Aren't you sharp eyed?
 My newest favourite Youtuber is the well known TheBajanCanadian! I found his channel a few weeks ago, trying to find some new music to listen to. It was completely accidental - I came across a song titled "Bajan Canadian Song". So I listened to it, thought that it was one of the best songs EVER, and I soon found myself listening to more of his songs!

So he's a YouTuber who mainly does Minecraft related videos, although he does post up funny challenges and other stuff he's done. He does a lot of his videos with his friend JeromeASF, who is also pretty funny! :D
 Bajan's real name is Mitch Hughes. He's born on 3rd March 1994, and is from Canada.

 I did a drawing of him the other day:

 It took me a while to draw, about three days. His jacket was definitely the hardest part of it to draw, mainly because of all the squares and having to make sure I coloured each one with the right colour. :P
 Still not sure whether or not I should add a background to it though. Any thoughts?
  If you want to share the picture, please remember to give me credit. ;)

 And I thought that I'd add one of his songs. Since it's about Mitch, I reckon I'll link the one that he himself sings (not to mention that it's my 1# favourite song at the moment... :P) :
Remember Our Love (Endstone)

 It's definitely the most touching song that he's done (from the one's I've heard). I actually had tears in my eyes by the time the song reached the end... ;~; That said though, it was worth listening to, and I definitely think you should. If you don't listen to at least the first few seconds of it, we can't be friends. :P

 Well, I have to run, it's late and I have to be getting ready for dinner/going to bed.

 In Benja We Trust!

Weird Week

Hello everyone! :D

 I figured that it was time for an update! It's been about two weeks or something since I last posted, so yes, it's definitely time!

 This week has been, like, the weirdest one ever. You know how there's those 'normal' weeks, the 'strange' weeks, and then the 'plain out weird' weeks? Well, this week definitely classifies as 'plain out weird'.

 It started fully out on Monday. My brothers and I were doing school work, and Mum's got music on somewhere in the house, and then we realise that there was someone knocking at the door. So Mum answers it, and it's one of the neighbours, who then goes on to tell us that someone entered the apartment block and stole one of out bikes.
 About ten minutes later after looking at the car space, Mum came up, and I decided to head out and see if I could find the person/the bike. I thought I might find them near by, because they stole the bike that had two completely flat tires, and was kinda small.
 Of course, I didn't find it. I spent half an hour walking around, attempting to see if I could find the bike, but whoever had stolen it must've gotten the hell out of the area. But I went to my friend's cafe that was near by and asked if they had seen the bike, because I lot of people stop by there.
 They hadn't, but they gave me an old bike of theirs that had been sitting in the cafe for ages. one of the tires was completely dead, and the chain needed fixing, so I wheeled it home and presented it to my brother. (We're fixing it up at the moment!)

And that was the start to what would prove to be my weirdest week in a long time.

 The next day I went to the Ballet to see Coppelia, which is now my all time favourite! It was very touching, and very sad at the same time. I got to meet some of the dancers and get my programmed signed, which was really cool!
 And then the weird thing. :P
 So normally the homeschoolers who go to the ballet are very well behaved. No talking, no running around, jumping on seats, nothing.
 This time, however, was very different. There was a family in front of us, who's daughter kept using her phone even when the intermissions were over and the next part of the performance had started. She was very annoying, and I had to stop myself from kicking her seat.
 Then there were some girls who kept talking loudly about how people were dressed and how strange some people looked. They were awful.

The next day my brother and I went out busking. So normally busking is a bit strange from time to time, but it's expected.
 Anyway, so someone, once I had finished my first round, came up with a bag of food, gave it to me, said that I sounded lovely, then walked off. After that I had this other group of people come up and start overly questioning me on the music I was singing.
 I also had this lady attempt to sell me perfume by spraying it on me as I walked past. That was pretty strange. And any way, there was no way she was going to sell me any of that, I hate perfume.

 And those were probably the weirdest of the things that happened this week.

I'm also applying for Uni at the moment, which is kinda scary. I still have to get some references and write up my C.V. I still think having to give them my C.V is kinda strange, because I can't see why they'd need it, but oh well.

 I've also been invited to do some stiltwalking at various festivals and such around the city, and my first one is in late October. They'll be some of my first 'proper' Circus gigs, which I'm pretty excited about! Not to mention I'm finally getting my own pair of stilts at the end of next week, so I'm super duper hyped for that! I'll definitely have to get some photos and videos of them for you guys.

 Well, I have to go, got another post to write up for you guys. :3

Love y'all!
Spinj xox

Monday 7 September 2015

Fathers Day + More...

Good evening everyone!

 How are you all? I'm feeling pretty well, I just finished school and I'm up to date with my Uni Prep, so feeling rather accomplished at the moment! I'm also feeling kinda proud of my re-edition of the super cute Bubble Ponytails with Beanie by Cute Girls Hairstyles.

 Fathers Day was pretty fun! We went to my friend's house for brunch, which was cool. We had tortia, chipolatas, carrot cake, sticky buns, and a whole ton of other really yummy food. I also got to watch Episode 2 from the first Sherlock Holmes TV series (The Blind Banker), which was so cool! It was my first ever Sherlock to watch, and I really want to watch more of it! We left the house with some leftover food, a bike seat (for my dad's bike) and a gift for Dad.
 After that we went busking. I was pretty sleepy for some reason, so I went home, but I stopped off and bought one of the new minifigure bags from series 14. I got the Spider Lady, who is my favourite.
 We didn't really have a proper dinner because everyone had stuffed themselves at brunch, so we all sat around. I finally managed to finish 20 Thousand Leagues Under The Seas - I read 26 chapters in one day to finish it!
 After my brothers went to sleep my parents and I watched Gattaca, which we had borrowed from the library. It was such a good movie, and I liked the futuristic feel about it! I felt sorry for (*SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND WISH TO*) real Jerome, especially at the end of the movie. Vincent was also a pretty cool character in it, he's a good example of how wrong some things can be.
 The scarey thing is that I can see society going that way in the future if we give it the chance!

 And that was our Fathers Day!

 Also, my friend Leilani and I made another mini-movie. She called it the Spooky Walk, and I still think that she could've came up with a better name, but oh well. This is our Halloween video, since she will probably be in India when Halloween actually comes around.

Also, I might be getting MineCraft at the end of the year! Depending on what happens with my school stuff - eg, how organized I am with my planning with school and all that - I might be able to buy it for PC. So I was thinking that maybe, once I'm into the flow of it and all that, I might make some video tutorials on how to use it. I'll only be allowed to play it during School holidays, but they happen often enough that I should be able to make a few videos between terms.
 So I'll keep you guys updated on that, and we'll see what happens!

 Anyway, I should probably get off now, and write some more of Guardian Angel and figure out who should be my accompanist for my WAAPA  audition.
 Stay well, and I'll see you all soon!

Spinj xoxo

Thursday 27 August 2015

Spreading Chritsmas Spirit: Prep

Evening everyone! :D

 How are you? :3 Have you ad a good week? Looking forwards to the weekend? I am, as it means I get to do more circus training!

 As you may remember from my shower thoughts post, I want to re-introduce Christmas spirit into the world, and at the moment I'm doing a "prep" for it.
 My prep is basically sitting down and thinking about what could I do for the eight weeks (remember, I hope to start in November! :D) And then writing it as a plan.

 Here's my current plan for the challenge:

Week one: give compliments
Week two: make cookies and give them to neighbours
Week three: give someone some chocolate
Week four: (still blank - need something for here! :P)
Week five: give inspirational messages to strangers
Week six: make Christmas cards/decorations for friends/family/strangers
Week seven: give money to homeless
Week eight: help someone

So that's my current plan! I was thinking about making week four "take someone out for lunch/give them money for lunch". not sure yet, but hopefully I shall. It'll also depend on how much money I have...

 My dad has been made redundant for the second time this year, which sucks. :/ He has work for a while, but then he has to find a new job. I was thinking that maybe I should find a short job, and help support the family while dad finds a new job... but the only one I can think of that I could do is a LEGO Message Boards moderator, but I have to be 18 for that... any ideas from you guys? c:

 I have to go, got other stuff to do. See you all later,

Spinj xoxo

Monday 24 August 2015

Music Monday

Good morning! :D How are you all? I'm currently enjoying the early morning sun whilst wrapped in a blanket. XD

 So, it's Music Monday again! I wasn't actually going to post anything for it, but I changed my week plan after hearing the new album that my parents won. So, you guys get a new favourite of mine to listen to! :D

 The song is by Kitty, Daisy and Lewis. They're a family band who's music is influenced by styles like Rock and Roll, Rockabilly, Swing, Hawaiian, blues, etc. I heard them for the first time in 2013, and I've enjoyed their music ever since.
 Their new album, "The Third", was released recently, and my parents won a copy of it along with tickets to see the band live. Unfortunately my brothers and I couldn't go too, but we got to listen to the album.
 The song for this music is "Whenever You See Me", which is the first song on the album. I love the feeling in the song and the tempo, and I can see some pretty awesome characters being formed in my minds eye just from thinking about the song...

 Another few good songs done by them are "Going up the Country", "Messing with my life", "Bitchin' in the Kitchen" and "It ain't your Business".

 Plus they record all their albums at home. How cool is that?!

Okay, I'd better go, I was supposed to have started school half an hour ago...

Spinj xoxo

Friday 21 August 2015

Fringe World Show

Hallo Everyone!

 How are you this morning? Enjoying the rain? I sure am. :)

 Karaoke went well on Sunday! :D It was loads of fun, and to my surprise and relief no one sung a Frozen song. The majority of the kids who turned up were between 2-13, and then there's me, the 15 year old. :P I don't think many of their parent's liked me that much, purely because I was the oldest. At least, that's what I thought from the way they looked at me.
 I sung "Popular" from Wicked The Musical, and that was pretty fun! The tempo was faster than normal, which I found slightly distracting, but otherwise it was fine! At the end of the song someone said I should voice the next Disney Princess, and two other people told me I was awesome. :3

 Anyway, to the original reason I began to write this post...

 So I will assume that the majority of my readers will know about the Fringe World Show. If not, I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia Page on it. It'll give you an idea on what it's about. At least, what one of the Australian ones are like...

 So some of you may remember when I was telling you about Clown Vs Ninja, yes? Or was that on Facebook? I can't remember. Anyway, last year I did two circus shows called Clowns Vs Ninja. I got to be one of the Ninja and did a very short 'solo' act, which you can watch here on my YT channel. I also have got quite a few photos from it...

 Anyway, I have been alerted that we may be revising Clowns Vs Ninja for a kid's Fringe Show! My brother and I will be putting in our EOI forms next Thursday, and if there are enough people interested we will be going ahead with it! We need around 10-15 people for it to start, so I have my fingers crossed that it happens!
 If it does, we'll be having to do lots of circus training, along with "Ninja stealth workshop"s, prop manipulations, stunt fighting, and so on. It's going to be loads of fun! Plus it will be my first proper circus show to ever be in, and not to mention my first time to perform in the Fringe, which is pretty exciting! I can't wait!

Here's two photos from one of the previous CvN shows:

Me performing in the first show.

Backstage prep a month before the show started. We were all trying on costumes that day and getting to know each other. That was also the day I decided to wear my green Ninjago t-shirt and met a fellow Ninjago fan...

 Well, I must run, we're meant to tidying the house today. I also might pop down to the library, cause I have some books to return, and I might do some busking... it's the right day for it! Well, maybe not if I get rained on...

 Stay safe, enjoy life and I'll see you all later!
Spinj xoxo

Thursday 20 August 2015


Hello guys!!

 My blog has now had over 1,000 views! :D This is a really exciting day for me.

 I just want to say thank you to all of you who read my blog, and that you are all really awesome! 

 Love y'all!
 Spinj xoxo

Sunday 16 August 2015

That Sunny Day

Morning peeps! :D

 Wow, I never realised my previous post would get so popular! It's got two more views than my Ninjago Monday one got! So, anyone joining the #SpreadingChristmasSpirit team? :P

 It's been pretty nice down here since yesterday weather wise. :P It was literally spring weather, despite the fact we're still technically in winter. That said though I'm not going to complain too much, I'm getting tired of having to put on a pair of stockings every time I decide to wear a skirt.

  Friday was kinda busy, I went into town to do busking and buy my friend a birthday present. She hadn't been talking to me for a while, but I still wanted to get her a present, so I went to my favourite Chocolate shop and bought her some chocolate.
 Once I gave her the card she took it with even saying "Thank You", read the card, then looked at me with a tablet in hand and said "Hey, I'll show you my Instagram". I was slightly taken aback, and not mention surprised since this was the first time in two months that she'd said more than "Hello" to me, but hey, at least we're back on talking terms. Anyway, Happy sixteenth Birthday, Lulah-Bell!

 Jujitsu's been going well, I'm getting ready for my next grading, which will be for the red-and-white belt. I've had a look at the grading sheet, and it's a lot more complicated than the brown-and-white. I have to do all my normal rolls and break-falls over obstacles. I can do the forward roll over an obstacle, but not any of the other rolls and falls.  Reflexes are a lot longer now too, and I have no clue how I'm going to get them all memorized. Sensei Darren suggested sleeping with the sheet under my pillow to let it all soak into my head, but I don't think I'll do that... :P
 I've also been having to help out a lot of the new people and the white belts, which has been pretty fun! I've been correcting their technique and giving them pointers. It's actually amazing, I never thought I'd be able to do that. XD I'm glad that Sensei Paul trusts me enough to let me look after them... :P

 I went to Circus yesterday, and that was... well, meh. Yes, it was Meh. We had an extra two teachers there because my boss decided she needed to hire a replacement teacher for the day because one of the usual ones couldn't turn up that day, and then hired another teacher just in case the first replacement teacher didn't turn up. So we had way too many teachers for how many students turned up, which was kinda stupid I think. That said though those two replacement teachers weren't much help, they kinda stood around without any idea on what to do.
 I'm now not getting my stilts until the end of this term, because my boss "forgot" that she was meant to be paying me with them instead of free classes. According to how much I'm meant to be getting paid, I actually should have got them at the end of Term 1. But I know that my boss doesn't like me that much, and that she's trying to keep me for as long as she can because she doesn't have to pay me the same rate as she has to pay the adult teachers. So once I get my stilts I'm going to quit teaching. And then I'm starting something new... dancing, I think.

 Anyway, I had better go, breakfast is ready and we're going to karaoke with some friends. Damn, I forgot, I'm also meant to be having a shower...
 Can't wait to go out and enjoy the sun. :3

 Love y'all,
 Spinj xoxo

Thursday 13 August 2015

Shower Thoughts...

Evening! :) How is everyone today? Going well?

 It's been a busy day down here! Doing school work, going to the library, running down to circus... Plus waiting for a friend to come and pick something up, but she was rude enough to not come at all, but I won't dwell on that for too long. :P

  Also finally got my book back from my friend. :P I'm currently feeling very protective of it, I got it for my birthday and then didn't see it for another six months. But it's back, and that's the main thing.

 Anyway, back to the main reason I'm making this post. I was having a shower the other day and kept thinking about something I saw on Facebook, which was something about putting blankets out for people who were homeless since it's been pretty cold in some of Australia this winter. For some reason that reminded me of something my family and I did last Christmas, where we gave a homeless person about $100+ (I forgotten how much it actually was XP).
 A few days later I started thinking about both of those things, because I was reminded by the fact that Christmas is only four months away and that I need to start preparing Christmas Carols to sing for busking. And it gave me an idea...

 You see, I feel that Christmas has lost it's spirit. Once, a long time ago, Christmas was about giving. Catching up with family. Connecting with people. These days, I feel that Christmas is just about how much companies can sell and how much people can buy. Everyone wants more and more. But that's not what Christmas is about.
 I think that I kind of realised this back in 2010, at Christmas time. I remember walking through the Mall on Christmas Eve, doing some last minute shopping, when we were surrounded by a group of thirty or so office workers. They gave us $350, and explained that every Christmas they get together, chip in some money and give it to someone who looks like they could do with a bit of cheer. And then they just kinda vanished back into the crowd, leaving my parents, brothers and I standing where we were, utterly surprised and shocked. I will never forget that day.

 So, this Christmas, I've decided that I want to re-introduce the Christmas Spirit. Once a week or more, starting in November, I'm going to do good deeds, whether it be helping someone carry their shopping, smiling at a person, giving compliments, etc. At the moment I'm putting money aside to give to some the week before Christmas.
 All my blog posts when I'm doing this will be called "Spreading Christmas Spirit: ______" So if you see one of them it'll be telling what I've done for that week to spread the spirit of Christmas. And feel free to join me in doing this. Whether you're a blogger, facebooker, youtuber, or user of any other type of social media, you can encourage others to do the same. :)

Official hashtags for the task will be: #SpreadingChristmasSpirit #SpreadingChristmasSpirit2015 

 It doesn't matter how big or small your deed is - you could give a homeless person blankets to stay warm, or hand out little cards to people with compliments written in them. 

 See you all soon, and have a great weekend!
Spinj xoxo

Thursday 6 August 2015

Youtube Video

Good evening! :D How are all you this fine, cold day? :P

So I meant to post this yesterday, but everything went out the window and I didn't end up doing it. XD And I would've done it earlier today, but I've been at WAAPA all day, and I only got back home a few hours ago. :P

 So my friend and I are not going to make a joint Youtube Channel, which is rather disappointing. However, we are going to make videos, and post them on my channel. We actually made a mini movie video thing, which was Leilani mucking around giving me directions. We edited it as best we could, we couldn't cut out her voice from the video, so that was disappointing, but we still made a cool video in the end.

 We'll be making more, and will (hopefully...) improve our editing skills in the process. XD We might be making another one soon, about a time travelling girl... ;P

Yeah, so I hoped you liked the video, if you did please like it and subscribe to my channel!
 Love ya guys, stay safe, and I'll be back soon with another post.
Spinj xoxo

Monday 3 August 2015

Music Monday + Rant

 Hallo everyone! :3 How's school going? I'm using my lunch break to write this. It's been fun so far, started planning what I'll do for science (I have to record the weather and show it in a graph).

 So, it's Music Monday! I actually wasn't going to post anything, but I remembered a video that I quite like. It has some swearing in it, so it's probably not advisable to watch if you're under 13, but it's very good. I remembered it because I'm learning about more Chords in music, and I am always surprised at how unimaginative people are when making new songs. You'll see what I mean...

 Like, c'mon, why must [some] pop songs use the same chords?! 
 And I have another rant, inspired by my "Why I Want To Do Performing" post. And today seems a fitting day to do it.

 Some people think that being a musician is really easy. All you have to do is listen to some pop songs, sing them as best you can, and go onto the X Factor or something like that if you think you're good enough. And if you win? Instant fame and a career as a famous musician.
 However, most people don't seem to realise just how much hard work is put into becoming a musician. We spend hours each day, doing warm ups, practising repertoire, finding new songs to play. We spend years practising to become good enough to get work.

 Not only do we spend years perfecting our art, we also spend thousands of dollars on equipment, lessons, etc. We try to get the best coaches, he best instruments, the best equipment, and the best servicing groups as we'll have the best experiences learning, and then we'll have good equipment for life.
 One thing that especially bugs me is the way people react when you tell them how much it'll cost to get you to perform for them. I was hired to sing at a wedding at the beginning of the year, and when I told the lady how much it would be, I could literally hear all the excitement from her voice disappear in a flash when she said "oh, right". I'm not just singing a song. I have to practice the song that you requested, travel out to the location, find the equipment I need, etc.

 I've done unpaid work, but I intentionally volunteered each time to do it. The two shows I've been in recently were for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, which is a not-for-profit group, and I knew that I wouldn't be getting paid, but it would give me experience which I need at the moment. But once I'm doing this professionally that will change.
 And the people telling me to go on talent shows. Yes, it's nice you think that I would go really well in it, and it's great that you'd vote for me if I went on, but first of all, why not just support me by paying me properly or giving my a few coins when I'm busking, and secondly, those talent shows aren't there for the musicians, they're there for themselves. So while it's nice, I think I'll pass.

 OK, rant over. Hope that gave you something to think about...

 I'd better get back to school. See ya, and stay safe,

Sunday 2 August 2015

Omg it's cold....

 Argh, it's so cold. I think I'm going to start freezing. ;~; Well, actually, it's not that cold, its only 11 degrees outside, but I had a shower last night and I now have a cold neck. :P

 I've been pretty busy at the moment. I was sick for a few weeks, so I didn't get as much of my stuff down as I could have. I've been doing extra singing and music work to catch up on where I'm meant to be.

 I had a singing lesson on Friday, and it was loads of fun. I've started learning two new songs - one in English, the other in Italian. The Italian one has been a little hard to practice, because I can't speak Italian, but I'm working on it. xD
 My coach is also going to help me get a few more gigs, and she said that the next time that the WA Opera need kids for a show that she'll put my name down as a suggestion. Whoop!

 I haven't heard back anything yet about whether or not I've been shortlisted for an audition for "Breath", but I was talking to a friend who works in the filming industry and she said that there's a good chance I'll get cast in it, as I've got the right look for the film. So fingers crossed!

(^^ that picture is so freaking awesome!!!)

 Demon Road comes out soon, and I'm so excited! Derek Landy is such an awesome author, and he creates some really badass girl characters, so I have high expectations for this book. xD I've requested the book from my local library, and I'll be the first to get it when it comes in. :3 It's gonna be awesome. X3

 One of my friends and I might be starting a Youtube Channel, where we'll post up some cute and some crazy videos. It's because She wants to be a film director, and I want to be an actor, so we figured we should come together and make some stuff up ourselves. It's gonna be fun. And we're catching up on Tuesday, so I'll let you know what the plan is on Wednesday! ;)

 I'm having fun writing Guardian Angel at the moment! I'm at 30,000 words, and I'm feeling very proud of it so far. I made a cover (which is above ^^) which isn't too great, but it's also not the 'final' one. XD
 My friends are saying that I'm killing off too many characters in the story, but it's set in a revolution, so there are going to be casualties. And if you want too many deaths, go read the Game of Throne series by George Martin. XD
 Yeah, so, I'm hoping to get this book published, but first off I have to finish writing it and see if it's any good. So yeah, that's been going along nicely in it's own way, but I've ran out of notebooks again... ;~;

 Speaking off books, I lent "The Name of the Wind" to my friend at the beginning of the year. And now she's decided to stop talking to me. She had better give me back mah book or hell's gonna break loose. That book was a birthday present.

 Well, I had better sign off now, I got stuff to do... like getting that book back. Be good guys, and I'll see you soon.
 Spinj xoxo

Monday 27 July 2015

Why I want to do Performing

Ok, I really need to get this off my chest, so I'll do it here.

 The most common things people say to me when I tell them that I want to be a Singer/Actor/Performer is either "You must be talented" or "Are you doing that because they're well paid?".
 To the first one, I normally say "I suppose so" or something along those lines, because I have no idea if I'm actually as talented as I'd like to think I am. That said, if I was that talented, I'd probably be semi famous right now. So probably not.
 To the second, no, I'm not doing it for the money. In fact, I always thought that being a performer would be one of the worst paid jobs.

 I wanted to be a performer in late 2010. I had finished performing in Hansel and Gretel, and I had loved rehearsing, going to Wardrobe for costume fittings, and then performing on stage for the audience. It was a rewarding experience. I learnt new skills, and I gave pleasure to the people watching, as I had helped bring the Opera to life along with my twenty or so friends in the Children's chorus. And when the Opera was over I decided I wanted to be a performer.

  Many people assume that the reason I'm doing it is because I like the attention. And I do like the attention. But the actual reason is because I enjoy bringing the Character/Story to life. There is nothing like reading a book, loving a character/characters and the plot and what not, and then seeing it become a great Movie, or a Musical. It is so thrilling.
 Also, you have to think about how to actually bring the character to life. Find out as much as you can about them. Wonder how you can copy that without making it look like you're acting but also without looking like you're just say lines.
 I like a challenge. If I didn't think that I was going to be challenged that much, then I probably would've just stayed with my original idea of being an author.

So no, I'm not doing for the money. I'm doing it because I enjoy bringing characters and stories to life.

Thursday 23 July 2015

From Sunday to Thursday

Morning everyone! :D How are you all this fine day? :3

First of all, I won't be writing down everything that happened, just want to tell you guys a few things that have happened/are happening. :3

 So on Sunday I went to the WA museum to look at the Remember Me: The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt exhibition. I didn't really want to go, but I went (I was glad about going in the end though).
 There were lots of old photos, all mainly of Australians, of before they went back to fighting. The photos were all from the "Lost Collection", and one could tell if a photo was from the collection because of the backdrop used in the photo.
 The photos were fascinating, but it was rather sad to look at them and realize that many of the people in the photos would die in battle and never come home. There were quotes from letters and diaries around too, my favourite of which was this one:

It's so sad... :'(

They also had a replica of the original backdrop, and I got to have a photo against it.  I had the choice of dressing as a nurse or a soldier, and being me, I went with the soldier. xD My dad even took the photo in sepia, so the photo looks slightly old fashioned!

 Yesterday I had my first Musicianship lesson for the year, and it was pretty good. The class was smaller than it used to be before I left, but it was the first day of term, so maybe not everyone had turned up. We did rhythms, and had to tap one rhythm on the floor with one had and the other with the other hand. It got pretty confusing pretty quickly!
 Before I went to my class though I went to the library to borrow some stuff (mainly books for school, but also the Kane Chronicles) and ended up with a free notebook, bubbles, and found out how the loaning system used to be. It was pretty complicated.
 So you filled in a form, and would be given four "tickets" - two green (for fiction books, I think) and two yellow (for non-fiction). And... I remember the rest, but I don't know how to explain it... and I call myself a writer XD

 And on Monday I sent in an application for a role in a movie called "Breath", which is going to be directed by Simon Baker, and it's based off the book written by Tim Winton. I haven't heard back yet, but hopefully I'll be shortlisted for an audition. I'll keep you all updated! Who knows, maybe Spinj will become a movie star! :P
 The funny thing is that I'm not interested in the fame side that much. I'm actually more excited about the experience that the would provide. I've been on set for a film for about four hours before, but I could be on site for the movie for a few months, depending on how main the role is. Also I'll make some new friends! I could do with some friends who have the same interests as me.

 I should probably go, as I have another 1,000+ words to write for Guardian Angel (for Camp Nanowrimo). I'm also planning on getting it published, so that I'll have a bit of an income when I'm at Uni.  Here's an excerpt:

Like it? :3
 Also, we have some friends coming over to our house soon, so I'd better go. XD Be good, stay safe, love you,
Spinj xoxo

Monday 13 July 2015

Music Monday Again

Hello everyone! How are you since I saw you all yesterday? :P

 It's Music Monday. Again. Yeah, sure, I don't write that many Music Monday posts, but I only have so many favourites!! Plus I feel as if I have to do the whole Music Monday thing because I run a blog. Or maybe it's an excuse to go on the computer more. I really don't know any more xD
 But yeah, for me it goes: Music Monday, Tune Tuesday, Writing Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Flashback Friday, and the the Wonderful Weekend (well, the weekend one isn't really one, and MMon and TTues are practically the same thing, as are TTurs and FFri. But whatever. Who cares? :P).

Anyway, I'll give you two songs for today. First is... The Salley Gardens!
 It's an Irish song, arranged by Benjamin Britten for an orchestra. I only learnt it recently, and sung it yesterday at my audition. Unfortunately I couldn't find a recording of it that I liked on youtube, so no video for this one! D:

 Next is... aw, can't pick - The Last Goodbye, sung by Billy Boyd. It's a very sad, but sweet and wistful, song from the last of the three Hobbit movies. It's definitely a song that get's right into the feels...

 Well, those are my two songs for today! I hope you liked them, and I might be back again on Wednesday... with writing tips xD

 Stay well my friends!
 Spinj xoxo

Sunday 12 July 2015

Scrambled Eggs for Spinj

Hewwo! :3


Okay, well, that was random, though I do say so myself. I had no idea on a title for my post, so... meh :P Anyway, how are you guys? Feeling well?

 Thing's have been... interesting, to say the least, around here! In a good way, of course! :P

 I had an audition today for the next Gilbert and Sullivan production, which is "Trial by Jury". I got a few compliments from the channel, which I thought was neat, and I didn't mess up the song like I thought I was going to.
 I also found out that there is another show of Pirates of Penzance which will be showing sometime in November-December this year, and I found the auditions for it! So I'll be auditioning for that as well... maybe I'll be lucky enough to get offered a principle role!

 The Winter Holidays have been pretty fun so far, and It's a pity that there's only one more week of them left! They've been pretty eventful though. I went to a pottery wheel class and made some bowls, which I'll be picking up in a few weeks time after they've been fired. We also did some painting at the Art Gallery, went ice skating (the ice skating was epic, because we got to go on TV!) and plus I've been catching up with friends. Also got rained on a lot (because I stupidly left any water proof clothing at home) and joined in with a Free Rights Marriage Equality rally. And I got rained on a lot at that too.

 I introduced one of my friends to the Skulduggery Pleasant series, and she's now decided that we should make a fan movie. xD The original plan was to make a movie about how Skul's wife and child were murdered and how Skul turned into a skeleton, but now we're wondering whether or not to do something with Darquesse in it or something from the earlier books. Main problem would be doing special effects and all that... but we're working on it. :3

 Also, I found out that Derek Landy is (again) writing a script for a Skulduggery Pleasant movie! An actual movie! I'm really excited about this! I reckon it'll be awesome... :3 I'll definitely be at the cinema to watch it when it comes out!

 Speaking of Scrambled eggs, I think it's my turn to make my dinner - omelette!

 Will see you all next time!
 Spinj xoxo

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Little Bit Of Me Has Died Again...

Just finished reading "The Dying of The Light" yesterday. ;~; I literally sat staring at the book for five minutes after finishing it; I think I was in a bit of shock. xD

 It must showed on my face as well, because I was doing the dishes, and my Dad said to me that I had a look on my face like I was expecting to have the dishes jump up and attack me.

 I think a little bit of me has died after finishing off the series... now, I just need to wait for Demon Road to come out.

Monday 6 July 2015

Skulduggery Pleasant

Oh. My. Ninja.

 Have I really been away for a month?! One entire month?!

 Yeah, I have.


 Hii, so, like, I'm back! :D sorry about deserting you all, I've been busy with stuff. :( School was finishing off and I had to do extra martial arts lesson to catch up for the ones I missed during Pirates (actually, I'm still catching up. :|) and then there's been ice skating and more... yeah, I've been busy.
 Plus at the moment it's Camp Nanowrimo. :3 If you want to check out my progress every now and then, check out my profile: Spinjisumaster | Camp Nanowrimo

 Anyway, today, I'd like to write a post about one of my favourite things: Books. And it's about one of my favourite book series: Skulduggery Pleasant. c:

 So the Skulduggery Pleasant series is written by Derek Landy, an Irish writer who lives somewhere in Ireland - Dublin, I'm assuming. He's a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (ahh, OMG, he's a fan of something that I'm a fan of @_@ I suppose Insane Great minds think alike, eh?), Doctor Who and probably some other things. :P He's introduction on Blogger says he wrote the Skulduggery Pleasant series because getting a proper job is so overrated (WISE WORDS HUH?!). You can stalk him at his blog: Derek Landy Blogs Under Duress

 The Skulduggery Pleasant series is about Stephanie Edgley/Valykrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant - who is a Detective, Magician, Warrior. Oh yes, and dead. I'm not going to write much more about what happens in it in case you have not read the books (and if you haven't read the series, GET OFF THE COMPUTER, NOW, AND BORROW THEM FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT), but yeah...


 Favourite Good Guy(s): Skulduggery Pleasant, Valkyrie Cain
 Favourite Bad Guy(s): Darquesse, Vaurien Scapegrace
 Favourite Side Character(s): Clarabelle, Dexter Vex

So I've been rereading the series again, and every time I notice something new. It's like opening a many layered present that keeps rewrapping itself. The characters are really good, and after the first few chapters you already feel as if you know them, which is always something I love. Plus the humour in them <3 I am literally laughing every third chapter. :3
 The series is also making me rethink my entire life. Like, maybe I missed something somewhere, which is why I am not part of a Sanctuary yet? Or maybe my Mum is a Sensitive or something. Actually, that could make sense. Maybe that's how she finds my missing clothes and can tell when I'm lying. And it could explain all the ghosts I've seen and interacted with. Ok, I'm fairly sure I missed something a few years ago...

 Anyway, I have been brainwashed or possessed or obsessed or whatever the word is by the series, and my friends I are planning to make a Skulduggery Pleasant Cosplay group. :3 So far there's three of us in the group, and one of my friends wants to be China Sorrows, and I'm going to be Valkyrie Cain. I don't know who my other friend is going to be. He'd better not pick Fletcher Renn. That could end up with some awkward situations.
 Yeah, so, I've been looking up some people who have Cosplayed characters from the SP series, and I've came across some really good ones, but these two people are my favourites:

 A girl who has done an awesome cosplay of Skulduggery Pleasant! I take off my hat to you, it's a brilliant Cosplay.

 Above and Below is a girl Cosplaying as Valkyrie Cain. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THIS. IT IS BEYOND AMAZING. It's definitely the best I've seen out of the various Valkyries I've seen...

 And yeah. I went to the Op-shop today and bought some black jeans and a silver top. They're the start of my Valkyrie Cosplay outfit, and I'm feeling really pleased, it only cost me $12. Next I need to get some knee high boots and a leather jacket, and then I'll be hunting around for a black ring. :3 I'm really excited!!! Now all I need to do is to convince my brother to cosplay as Skul...

 Also coming across some pictures and fan art. :3 Here's some of my favourites:

 This one is especially awesome. I just love it so much!

 Not a word Bespoke, not a word...

The feelings in this one... ;~; *runs off crying*

 Anyway, I got to go, I'm catching up with some friends tomorrow, so I need to have a good sleep.

 Be good, don't go ending the world without me, and I'll catch you all later
Spinj XOXO

(P.S: wait, that's not enough? Fine then...

Sunday 7 June 2015

And so farewell...

Hello everyone!

 Well, the Pirates of Penzance is officially over! Yesterday had the last two shows of the season, and it was definitely the most enjoyable of all the days.

 We didn't make too many mistakes, which was good (although they were filming it... hmm) and the first audience were OK - they certainly didn't get many of the jokes - but the second audience was brilliant! They got a lot of the jokes, and right up the back were some people dressed in pirate costumes.

 I went around to get people's autographs, and it work at first, and then people decided to write messages to me as well! So my signature book became a bit of a year book for this year's show... :P

 And I we made our mark on the wall at the theatre. It was hard to find a spot that hadn't already been taken up by other people's writing about their shows. It took me about 45 minutes to write all the cast and the main crew, and draw the pirate flag. My arm sure was stiff by the time I finished...:

 We had an after party thing at the end of the shows, which had presentations and 'awards' and other such things, and we all hung around and chatted to the rest of the cast. It was rather sad, I was feeling the tears coming and choked them back. It's also probably the last time I'll see the Music Director and On of the principles - they're off to America next year to go to the Manhattan School of Music. And I'll probably see the others later on in the year, it's a small world in the performing industry here...

 And that said, I'm not wearing makeup for the next three weeks... or until I have too...

Anyway, I have to go now - to have breakfast and sleep :3 So, to quote Frederic:
 And so farewell...

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Last round for Pirates...

Hello everyone! :D

 Wow, is it really the second of June? XP Time flies by so quickly...

 Well, I thought that I'd give you another update on the Pirates of Penzance - probably my last one, too. Hopefully none of you are tired of it anymore. :P

 So the Show started last week, on the Thursday. We had a few mistakes with it, and one of the props went missing (thankfully my brother found it just before we had to go on stage with it). But otherwise that show went well.
 The Friday show sold out, which was really exciting!! The two Saturday shows were a bit tiring, mainly because all of us were tired from the last two shows, but we survived them and they turned out to be really good too.

 I then slept for nearly all of Sunday and half managed to get out of bed on Monday. And now I'm back to doing school work (essays - urgh), and then tomorrow is the first day for the second (and last) round of shows! It's going too quickly, the shows will be over before I know it. :'( But yeah, so, five more sows to go! The very last show is completely booked out, but the other four still have more seats left. 

 I love the cast I'm performing with! Out of the three groups I've performed with, this is the best. They're all so friendly and helpful, and they feel like a community.

  If anyone is interested, here's a video of some of the parts of the show. I didn't turn up to that rehearsal when they filmed it, so I'm not in it. :( But please watch it!

 I'm going to miss the Pirates' cast when the show is over - two people are going to America, and another is going interstate... But hopefully I'll see them again in the future. And they're still here until the end of the year...

 *Sniffs and wipes tears away from my eyes* Sorry, I have to go now, before I start a flood...

Spinj xoxo

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Ali Brustofski

There. I'm officially hooked.

 So remember that song I posted up yesterday? Called "Boys Like U"? It was done by Ali Brustofski and Like the Movies?

 Well, I went onto Ali's Youtube Channel and checked out some more of her stuff. And I listened to some of her stuff - Boy, is she an amazing singer! She was this awesome voice and I've fallen in love with a lot of her songs. X3 Her cover of "All About That Bass" is definitely the best I've heard.

 So I checked out her website, and she's got so much stuff on there! It's also really cute looking. If you have a moment to check out her website, please do!

 She also has this cute style with how she dresses. I love cute styles. :3

 And I love that her motto is "Dream Big"! It's definitely the best motto ever!

 Anyway, so I'm now following her on facebook too. X3

 Speaking of Cute Styles, I've been looking up more patterns/tutorials for sewing, and I found this adorable blouse! I'll be trying it out sometime soon, because I have some really lovely lacy fabric which I should use for something at some point.

 Well, I need to go, I have to check out some stuff...
 See you all later!
 Spinj xoxo

Monday 18 May 2015

Cirquest Circus School!

Hello guys! :D

 How are you? Enjoying your first day of school for the week? :P

 Well, I have had a busy weekend! I went to work on Saturday morning and instead of teaching classes I sorted through pictures from a few of the circus shows from last year. Then I went home, didn't go to the Medieval Faire, and went to my Cousins' 21st, which was loads of fun: we hung around the camp fire, roasted marshmallows, baked pizza, and chatted for hours. I ended up getting home at 1am and didn't get to sleep until about 1:20.
 And then I was half asleep for most of yesterday's Pirates rehearsal. xD

 But today I thought I'd tell you about Cirquest!

 So Cirquest is a Circus School run by Disco Cantinto. They do lessons for anyone between the age of 0-60 (I dunno, I actually haven't seen anyone over 30 at the lessons, but they do have lessons for all ages), and teach Aerials, Acrobatics, Acrobalence, and more.
 I've been teaching there since... 2013, I believe! And recently I realised that they don't have a Youtube Channel. Sure, they don't have to have one, but they're always trying to get more people to come and join them. They never really post much up on their Facebook, so I decided to ask my boss/teacher if I could set up and run a Youtube Channel for her, and she said yes!

 So it's set up, and has a few videos on it. I'll be posting videos on it whenever someone sends me one or I film something/put together a new slideshow of photos. So far the page only has one Sub (me!) but if you like Circus, please Subscribe to the Channel! Plus you can follow them on the G+ page I've made, or you could follow them on Facebook:

 Cirquest Circus School | Youtube
 Cirquest Circus School | Google Plus
 Cirquest Circus School | Facebook

 And here's a photo from one of our previous shows:

 I'm in the flute video on the channel: One the Trapeze in the black dress. :)

 I've also remembered that today is Music Monday! I'll give you guys a few songs, because I haven't done a MM for a while, and I've also got three new favourites!

 First up is Boys Like U by Ali Brustofski and Like the Movies. I've been obsessing for the past few days! XD :3
 Second is Top of the World, by Greek Fire. My friend intorduced me to the song. :3

 And third is All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor! I really like it, because it tells girls that it's acceptable to be curvy - you don't have to be a stick (sorry...) to be liked.

 Well, it's the top of the tide, and I must be off - I have some tidying to do, plus I have another Pirates Rehearsal. The Show starts in 2 weeks, so I'm pretty pumped up about it!
 Well, I'll probably be back on later in the week, and I might post up some more on my LEGO Blog - maybe even a few more chapters from Rise of the Nerds! You never know..

 Catch you all later!
 Spinj xoxo