Sunday 16 August 2015

That Sunny Day

Morning peeps! :D

 Wow, I never realised my previous post would get so popular! It's got two more views than my Ninjago Monday one got! So, anyone joining the #SpreadingChristmasSpirit team? :P

 It's been pretty nice down here since yesterday weather wise. :P It was literally spring weather, despite the fact we're still technically in winter. That said though I'm not going to complain too much, I'm getting tired of having to put on a pair of stockings every time I decide to wear a skirt.

  Friday was kinda busy, I went into town to do busking and buy my friend a birthday present. She hadn't been talking to me for a while, but I still wanted to get her a present, so I went to my favourite Chocolate shop and bought her some chocolate.
 Once I gave her the card she took it with even saying "Thank You", read the card, then looked at me with a tablet in hand and said "Hey, I'll show you my Instagram". I was slightly taken aback, and not mention surprised since this was the first time in two months that she'd said more than "Hello" to me, but hey, at least we're back on talking terms. Anyway, Happy sixteenth Birthday, Lulah-Bell!

 Jujitsu's been going well, I'm getting ready for my next grading, which will be for the red-and-white belt. I've had a look at the grading sheet, and it's a lot more complicated than the brown-and-white. I have to do all my normal rolls and break-falls over obstacles. I can do the forward roll over an obstacle, but not any of the other rolls and falls.  Reflexes are a lot longer now too, and I have no clue how I'm going to get them all memorized. Sensei Darren suggested sleeping with the sheet under my pillow to let it all soak into my head, but I don't think I'll do that... :P
 I've also been having to help out a lot of the new people and the white belts, which has been pretty fun! I've been correcting their technique and giving them pointers. It's actually amazing, I never thought I'd be able to do that. XD I'm glad that Sensei Paul trusts me enough to let me look after them... :P

 I went to Circus yesterday, and that was... well, meh. Yes, it was Meh. We had an extra two teachers there because my boss decided she needed to hire a replacement teacher for the day because one of the usual ones couldn't turn up that day, and then hired another teacher just in case the first replacement teacher didn't turn up. So we had way too many teachers for how many students turned up, which was kinda stupid I think. That said though those two replacement teachers weren't much help, they kinda stood around without any idea on what to do.
 I'm now not getting my stilts until the end of this term, because my boss "forgot" that she was meant to be paying me with them instead of free classes. According to how much I'm meant to be getting paid, I actually should have got them at the end of Term 1. But I know that my boss doesn't like me that much, and that she's trying to keep me for as long as she can because she doesn't have to pay me the same rate as she has to pay the adult teachers. So once I get my stilts I'm going to quit teaching. And then I'm starting something new... dancing, I think.

 Anyway, I had better go, breakfast is ready and we're going to karaoke with some friends. Damn, I forgot, I'm also meant to be having a shower...
 Can't wait to go out and enjoy the sun. :3

 Love y'all,
 Spinj xoxo

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