Sunday 2 August 2015

Omg it's cold....

 Argh, it's so cold. I think I'm going to start freezing. ;~; Well, actually, it's not that cold, its only 11 degrees outside, but I had a shower last night and I now have a cold neck. :P

 I've been pretty busy at the moment. I was sick for a few weeks, so I didn't get as much of my stuff down as I could have. I've been doing extra singing and music work to catch up on where I'm meant to be.

 I had a singing lesson on Friday, and it was loads of fun. I've started learning two new songs - one in English, the other in Italian. The Italian one has been a little hard to practice, because I can't speak Italian, but I'm working on it. xD
 My coach is also going to help me get a few more gigs, and she said that the next time that the WA Opera need kids for a show that she'll put my name down as a suggestion. Whoop!

 I haven't heard back anything yet about whether or not I've been shortlisted for an audition for "Breath", but I was talking to a friend who works in the filming industry and she said that there's a good chance I'll get cast in it, as I've got the right look for the film. So fingers crossed!

(^^ that picture is so freaking awesome!!!)

 Demon Road comes out soon, and I'm so excited! Derek Landy is such an awesome author, and he creates some really badass girl characters, so I have high expectations for this book. xD I've requested the book from my local library, and I'll be the first to get it when it comes in. :3 It's gonna be awesome. X3

 One of my friends and I might be starting a Youtube Channel, where we'll post up some cute and some crazy videos. It's because She wants to be a film director, and I want to be an actor, so we figured we should come together and make some stuff up ourselves. It's gonna be fun. And we're catching up on Tuesday, so I'll let you know what the plan is on Wednesday! ;)

 I'm having fun writing Guardian Angel at the moment! I'm at 30,000 words, and I'm feeling very proud of it so far. I made a cover (which is above ^^) which isn't too great, but it's also not the 'final' one. XD
 My friends are saying that I'm killing off too many characters in the story, but it's set in a revolution, so there are going to be casualties. And if you want too many deaths, go read the Game of Throne series by George Martin. XD
 Yeah, so, I'm hoping to get this book published, but first off I have to finish writing it and see if it's any good. So yeah, that's been going along nicely in it's own way, but I've ran out of notebooks again... ;~;

 Speaking off books, I lent "The Name of the Wind" to my friend at the beginning of the year. And now she's decided to stop talking to me. She had better give me back mah book or hell's gonna break loose. That book was a birthday present.

 Well, I had better sign off now, I got stuff to do... like getting that book back. Be good guys, and I'll see you soon.
 Spinj xoxo

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