Monday 3 August 2015

Music Monday + Rant

 Hallo everyone! :3 How's school going? I'm using my lunch break to write this. It's been fun so far, started planning what I'll do for science (I have to record the weather and show it in a graph).

 So, it's Music Monday! I actually wasn't going to post anything, but I remembered a video that I quite like. It has some swearing in it, so it's probably not advisable to watch if you're under 13, but it's very good. I remembered it because I'm learning about more Chords in music, and I am always surprised at how unimaginative people are when making new songs. You'll see what I mean...

 Like, c'mon, why must [some] pop songs use the same chords?! 
 And I have another rant, inspired by my "Why I Want To Do Performing" post. And today seems a fitting day to do it.

 Some people think that being a musician is really easy. All you have to do is listen to some pop songs, sing them as best you can, and go onto the X Factor or something like that if you think you're good enough. And if you win? Instant fame and a career as a famous musician.
 However, most people don't seem to realise just how much hard work is put into becoming a musician. We spend hours each day, doing warm ups, practising repertoire, finding new songs to play. We spend years practising to become good enough to get work.

 Not only do we spend years perfecting our art, we also spend thousands of dollars on equipment, lessons, etc. We try to get the best coaches, he best instruments, the best equipment, and the best servicing groups as we'll have the best experiences learning, and then we'll have good equipment for life.
 One thing that especially bugs me is the way people react when you tell them how much it'll cost to get you to perform for them. I was hired to sing at a wedding at the beginning of the year, and when I told the lady how much it would be, I could literally hear all the excitement from her voice disappear in a flash when she said "oh, right". I'm not just singing a song. I have to practice the song that you requested, travel out to the location, find the equipment I need, etc.

 I've done unpaid work, but I intentionally volunteered each time to do it. The two shows I've been in recently were for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, which is a not-for-profit group, and I knew that I wouldn't be getting paid, but it would give me experience which I need at the moment. But once I'm doing this professionally that will change.
 And the people telling me to go on talent shows. Yes, it's nice you think that I would go really well in it, and it's great that you'd vote for me if I went on, but first of all, why not just support me by paying me properly or giving my a few coins when I'm busking, and secondly, those talent shows aren't there for the musicians, they're there for themselves. So while it's nice, I think I'll pass.

 OK, rant over. Hope that gave you something to think about...

 I'd better get back to school. See ya, and stay safe,

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