Sunday 7 June 2015

And so farewell...

Hello everyone!

 Well, the Pirates of Penzance is officially over! Yesterday had the last two shows of the season, and it was definitely the most enjoyable of all the days.

 We didn't make too many mistakes, which was good (although they were filming it... hmm) and the first audience were OK - they certainly didn't get many of the jokes - but the second audience was brilliant! They got a lot of the jokes, and right up the back were some people dressed in pirate costumes.

 I went around to get people's autographs, and it work at first, and then people decided to write messages to me as well! So my signature book became a bit of a year book for this year's show... :P

 And I we made our mark on the wall at the theatre. It was hard to find a spot that hadn't already been taken up by other people's writing about their shows. It took me about 45 minutes to write all the cast and the main crew, and draw the pirate flag. My arm sure was stiff by the time I finished...:

 We had an after party thing at the end of the shows, which had presentations and 'awards' and other such things, and we all hung around and chatted to the rest of the cast. It was rather sad, I was feeling the tears coming and choked them back. It's also probably the last time I'll see the Music Director and On of the principles - they're off to America next year to go to the Manhattan School of Music. And I'll probably see the others later on in the year, it's a small world in the performing industry here...

 And that said, I'm not wearing makeup for the next three weeks... or until I have too...

Anyway, I have to go now - to have breakfast and sleep :3 So, to quote Frederic:
 And so farewell...

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