Monday 6 July 2015

Skulduggery Pleasant

Oh. My. Ninja.

 Have I really been away for a month?! One entire month?!

 Yeah, I have.


 Hii, so, like, I'm back! :D sorry about deserting you all, I've been busy with stuff. :( School was finishing off and I had to do extra martial arts lesson to catch up for the ones I missed during Pirates (actually, I'm still catching up. :|) and then there's been ice skating and more... yeah, I've been busy.
 Plus at the moment it's Camp Nanowrimo. :3 If you want to check out my progress every now and then, check out my profile: Spinjisumaster | Camp Nanowrimo

 Anyway, today, I'd like to write a post about one of my favourite things: Books. And it's about one of my favourite book series: Skulduggery Pleasant. c:

 So the Skulduggery Pleasant series is written by Derek Landy, an Irish writer who lives somewhere in Ireland - Dublin, I'm assuming. He's a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (ahh, OMG, he's a fan of something that I'm a fan of @_@ I suppose Insane Great minds think alike, eh?), Doctor Who and probably some other things. :P He's introduction on Blogger says he wrote the Skulduggery Pleasant series because getting a proper job is so overrated (WISE WORDS HUH?!). You can stalk him at his blog: Derek Landy Blogs Under Duress

 The Skulduggery Pleasant series is about Stephanie Edgley/Valykrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant - who is a Detective, Magician, Warrior. Oh yes, and dead. I'm not going to write much more about what happens in it in case you have not read the books (and if you haven't read the series, GET OFF THE COMPUTER, NOW, AND BORROW THEM FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT), but yeah...


 Favourite Good Guy(s): Skulduggery Pleasant, Valkyrie Cain
 Favourite Bad Guy(s): Darquesse, Vaurien Scapegrace
 Favourite Side Character(s): Clarabelle, Dexter Vex

So I've been rereading the series again, and every time I notice something new. It's like opening a many layered present that keeps rewrapping itself. The characters are really good, and after the first few chapters you already feel as if you know them, which is always something I love. Plus the humour in them <3 I am literally laughing every third chapter. :3
 The series is also making me rethink my entire life. Like, maybe I missed something somewhere, which is why I am not part of a Sanctuary yet? Or maybe my Mum is a Sensitive or something. Actually, that could make sense. Maybe that's how she finds my missing clothes and can tell when I'm lying. And it could explain all the ghosts I've seen and interacted with. Ok, I'm fairly sure I missed something a few years ago...

 Anyway, I have been brainwashed or possessed or obsessed or whatever the word is by the series, and my friends I are planning to make a Skulduggery Pleasant Cosplay group. :3 So far there's three of us in the group, and one of my friends wants to be China Sorrows, and I'm going to be Valkyrie Cain. I don't know who my other friend is going to be. He'd better not pick Fletcher Renn. That could end up with some awkward situations.
 Yeah, so, I've been looking up some people who have Cosplayed characters from the SP series, and I've came across some really good ones, but these two people are my favourites:

 A girl who has done an awesome cosplay of Skulduggery Pleasant! I take off my hat to you, it's a brilliant Cosplay.

 Above and Below is a girl Cosplaying as Valkyrie Cain. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THIS. IT IS BEYOND AMAZING. It's definitely the best I've seen out of the various Valkyries I've seen...

 And yeah. I went to the Op-shop today and bought some black jeans and a silver top. They're the start of my Valkyrie Cosplay outfit, and I'm feeling really pleased, it only cost me $12. Next I need to get some knee high boots and a leather jacket, and then I'll be hunting around for a black ring. :3 I'm really excited!!! Now all I need to do is to convince my brother to cosplay as Skul...

 Also coming across some pictures and fan art. :3 Here's some of my favourites:

 This one is especially awesome. I just love it so much!

 Not a word Bespoke, not a word...

The feelings in this one... ;~; *runs off crying*

 Anyway, I got to go, I'm catching up with some friends tomorrow, so I need to have a good sleep.

 Be good, don't go ending the world without me, and I'll catch you all later
Spinj XOXO

(P.S: wait, that's not enough? Fine then...

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