Thursday 23 July 2015

From Sunday to Thursday

Morning everyone! :D How are you all this fine day? :3

First of all, I won't be writing down everything that happened, just want to tell you guys a few things that have happened/are happening. :3

 So on Sunday I went to the WA museum to look at the Remember Me: The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt exhibition. I didn't really want to go, but I went (I was glad about going in the end though).
 There were lots of old photos, all mainly of Australians, of before they went back to fighting. The photos were all from the "Lost Collection", and one could tell if a photo was from the collection because of the backdrop used in the photo.
 The photos were fascinating, but it was rather sad to look at them and realize that many of the people in the photos would die in battle and never come home. There were quotes from letters and diaries around too, my favourite of which was this one:

It's so sad... :'(

They also had a replica of the original backdrop, and I got to have a photo against it.  I had the choice of dressing as a nurse or a soldier, and being me, I went with the soldier. xD My dad even took the photo in sepia, so the photo looks slightly old fashioned!

 Yesterday I had my first Musicianship lesson for the year, and it was pretty good. The class was smaller than it used to be before I left, but it was the first day of term, so maybe not everyone had turned up. We did rhythms, and had to tap one rhythm on the floor with one had and the other with the other hand. It got pretty confusing pretty quickly!
 Before I went to my class though I went to the library to borrow some stuff (mainly books for school, but also the Kane Chronicles) and ended up with a free notebook, bubbles, and found out how the loaning system used to be. It was pretty complicated.
 So you filled in a form, and would be given four "tickets" - two green (for fiction books, I think) and two yellow (for non-fiction). And... I remember the rest, but I don't know how to explain it... and I call myself a writer XD

 And on Monday I sent in an application for a role in a movie called "Breath", which is going to be directed by Simon Baker, and it's based off the book written by Tim Winton. I haven't heard back yet, but hopefully I'll be shortlisted for an audition. I'll keep you all updated! Who knows, maybe Spinj will become a movie star! :P
 The funny thing is that I'm not interested in the fame side that much. I'm actually more excited about the experience that the would provide. I've been on set for a film for about four hours before, but I could be on site for the movie for a few months, depending on how main the role is. Also I'll make some new friends! I could do with some friends who have the same interests as me.

 I should probably go, as I have another 1,000+ words to write for Guardian Angel (for Camp Nanowrimo). I'm also planning on getting it published, so that I'll have a bit of an income when I'm at Uni.  Here's an excerpt:

Like it? :3
 Also, we have some friends coming over to our house soon, so I'd better go. XD Be good, stay safe, love you,
Spinj xoxo

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