Thursday 11 December 2014

Up Date

Hey All!!!

 So last week it was my brother's birthday! The young lad is now 7, and he had quite a lot of fun! He was also extremely pleased, as he got Benny's Spaceship Spaceship SPACESHIP, and he won't let anyone touch Benny. Or Wyldstyle. But he'll let me look at Unikitty and the Robot thing.
 I was also really pleased, because I got to help build the spaceship (it was mainly putting on stickers, but I got to finish off one of the bags!!). ^-^ :P

 We went to this really cool park for his party, with awesome swings, a really cool climbing frame, super amazing slide, and lots of trees!! Here's some photos:
 Above is the slide! Apparently when you go down it it's super duper fast, but it wasn't working when I went - I could sit on it and not move anywhere. Rather disappointing, but maybe it'll work next time!

 And here is the playground! I loved the swings and the spinning thing. I could lie down on the swing and stay there for ages, and the spinning thing was so cool - I could make it go slower or faster when I changed how I was sitting or standing on it.
 And somehow my other brother (the older one of the three) managed to get the soccer ball stuck in the palm tree (pictured above in the picture) and my Dad, two of my brothers and myself started throwing really thick sticks at the ball. We had nearly given up when it moved, so we started throwing stuff at it again XD. It finally came down, but something had punctured it, so it's dead now and we can't use it. I think Mum was going to buy a new one.

 On the way home when we walked through the park I was this really cool, mini, artificial waterfall! It was so beautiful, so I got out my camera and took a photo.
Isn't it lovely?

Yesterday I finished my essay on Love and War, and I also wrote a poem! It's been ages since I last wrote a poem XD. You can check it out here.

 On my LEGO blog I now have a new chapter of Rise of the Nerds up!

 And for Throwback Thursday (I believe that's what it's called!) I'll tell you all to check out my Hexaflexagon post on Unicorn Crafts and School!!

Well, I'd better go, I have tidying to do, more essays to write, and I also have to get ready for my belt grading (martial arts) which is on Saturday. Wish me luck!

 Over and Out!


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