Sunday 16 November 2014

Busy, excited, something else...

Hello readers! :D

 How is everyone today? Have you had a good week?

 Do you remember in my last post that I mentioned that I had a blister on my finger from the frying pan dropping on it? Well, I went dancing yesterday, and in the middle of one of the songs the blister popped, and I could feel the pus on my hand. So I found a tissue and wiped it off.
 Then, later on, the skin that had covered the blister pulled off in the middle of another dance! So I could see this big red circle where the skin had pulled off. It hurt a lot, and still hurts at the moment.

 Today I have a rehearsal for the RoP. We start at 1 and go until 5. Dad reckons we're doing a dress rehearsal, but I'm not sure yet. Hopefully he's right - I'd love to wear my costume again!!
 I'm going to help one of the girls at the rehearsal (hopefully!). She is singing this really fast part, but can't sing it very well because she says 'hour' as "ower" instead of "our". Hopefully I can help her out. :)
 Our Show starts next week, on Friday, so I'm getting really excited!! It's been ages since I've done something like this.

 Friday was the day that they turned on the Christmas lights, so it's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! :D :P I'm trying to remember all the verses to all the Christmas Carols at the moment. So far I can remember Jingle Bells, Jingle Bell Rock, We Three Kings... And there are countless ones from which I can remember only one verse. :P
Here is a picture of the Christmas Tree in the City and some of the Christmas lights. Doesn't it look cool?

 Well, I have to go now. I have to have breakfast, and then get ready to be going to my rehearsal (I got up rather late today).

 Rock on!

 Spinj xoxo

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