Sunday 12 April 2015

OMG I'm going to be in a documentary!!

Hey everyone!! ^-^

 How are you? Are my Aussie readers enjoying their holidays?

 OMG, I'm totally going to explode with excitement at some point. XD So, I have something to tell you guys!!

 Ok, so yesterday, after I went busking, my brothers, parents and I went dancing. So yeah, my parents did some dancing, I did some reading and the others ate food. :P
 My friend Caitlan turned up, and I hung around with her for a while. Then I remembered that she'd asked my parents if she could make a documentary about us, but they had said no. I asked her, and she was "Oh my god, I forgot about that! Do you want to do it?" And I bounced up and down and said "Yes!!" So we high fived, and turned to my Mum, and asked for her permission. And she gave it!! Caitlan and I kinda bounced around happily.

 So yeah!! I'm going to be in a documentary about me and my family, and it is going to be awesome. ^-^ I'm going to catch up with Cailan at some point so that we can talk about stuff for it. 

 OH MAH GOSH!!! I'm still sooooooooooooo excited!! XD Here, have a picture:

Ooh, look, it's the Ninja and Sensei Wu. ^-^

Which reminds me - I've made a banner for Spinj's Space!! It took me forever to make, but heh, I 'm pretty pleased with it. ^-^ Here it is:

What do you think? :D Do you like it?

 I have to go now, I have a rehearsal to go to for Pirates of Penzance. Weeell, I don't have to go to them, they're actually the Guys' Chorus rehearsals, but I go because Dad is there. :P And I like showing off that I can do all my parts off-book. :P

 Ok, gotta go. Love y'all, be good, and I'll see you in my next post!
 Spinj xoxo

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